Naver V Live feature updates

Naver's K-pop focused music video and live streaming app "V Live" (aka Naver V) is updated with a few new features.

V Live's new features look

Here's the list of new features.

  • Double-tap to skip ahead or back 5 seconds
  • Share a link to a precise time moment in a video
  • Auto-play to keep streaming videos nonstop from the "recommended for you" that follows each video
  • Resume feature to restart videos where you left off. Includes progress bars on thumbnails so you can visually see how much of a video you've watched. 
  • Better searching and filtering options: Newest, oldest, by year, most views, most likes, most comments, V Live exclusives, Channel+ (paid content)
  • "My" list, to easily bookmark and save videos to watch again. 

You may notice that some of these features are, uh, "borrowed" from the YouTube app.

Anyway, here are the official promo screenshots. Click them for a closer view.

Image: Naver V Live

Image: Naver V Live

Download it here:

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