Korean Liberation Day 2022 celebrated in logo doodles around the web

Today is the 77th anniversary of the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule at the end of World War II. Koreans call this day 광복절, literally "light return day" (光復節), i.e. the day the darkness ended and light returned to the land of morning calm. 

Each year all the web portal sites in Korea, and sites from abroad, change their logos in some special way to pay tribute. I like to collect them here for ease of viewing and posterity. Let's take a look.

Korean web portal logo doodles for Liberation Day 2022


The Korean flag is presented with several mugunghwa flowers, the national flower of Korea.

Naver main logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Naver mini logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Naver supplementary logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

The day prior, Naver also changed its logo to honor Comfort Women Memorial Day.

Naver doodle for Comfort Women Memorial Day 2022

Naver mini doodle for Comfort Women Memorial Day 2022

Daum logos

Daum main logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Daum mini logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Nate logos

Nate logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Nate mobile logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Zum logo, featuring a united Korea silhouette 
Zum logo doodle for Liberation Day 2022

Google doodle

Google doodle for Korean Liberation Day 2022. Link.

Google mini logo for Liberation Day 2022

Google had a neat Easter egg where if you click the doodle or search Liberation Day, fireworks shoot and sparkle into a Korean flag. 

Google Korean flag fireworks animation when searching Liberation Day. Link.

Twitter offered another special hashtag image when using specific hashtags in your tweet. Apparently these are called "hashflags."

Twitter hashflag for Liberation Day 2022

These are the hashtags I found that trigger it:

  • #광복절 
  • #광복77주년
  • #나라사랑 
  • #독립운동
  • #독립운동가
  • #대한독립만세
  • #대한민국만세
  • #KoreanLiberationDay

Other website logos

A few other sites around the web seemed to have changed to a special logo too.

Here's the logo today for the Aju Economic News daily, reading "Return of the light":

Aju News logo for Liberation Day. Link

The Chosun Ilbo newspaper website also chanted to this nice and classy animation, cementing their status as surely the most patriotic paper. 

Chosun Ilbo logo for Liberation Day. Link

Even the bugs over at Ilbe put a nice logo today:

Enjoy your day off. Relax with a movie set in this time period. How about "Race to Freedom: the Um Bok Dong story." A sort of Jessie Owens type story of a real Korean athlete whose endurance went in the face of an evil empire. Frankly I haven't seen it. Wikipedia says it is "considered one of the worst Korean movies" but Naver Movies gives it fairly decent scores. Or just watch "Assassination."
