Korean government "Eraser" tool to remove online private info

The government is promoting a website service that will "erase" revealing personal information data that you (or possibly your parents) would have posted online while you were a minor. 

Introducing the 나의 흑역사 지우개로 싹싹 - "My Dark History Eraser - Scrub Scrub!" Of course "dark history" meaning uncomfortably revealing info you've left visible online.

나의 흑역사 지우개로 싹싹 - "My Dark History Eraser - Scrub Scrub!

Clearly this won't apply to most of my readers, but good info to know or pass on anyway. Basically if you find an example of personally revealing info online, which was posted while you were a minor (under 18), you can use the government website to petition to have it deleted. You can make the petition until you are age 24, but again, it will only apply retroactively to content that would have been posted when you were still a minor.

The category of what constitutes "personally revealing info" seems fairly broad to me. Of course it includes things like your real name, address, birthday, phone number, etc. But in their example they also show that even an old post mentioning your school, grade, class counts.

You can then choose if you want your petition to be for hiding the post, removing it from search engines, or completely deleted. The government site will help by facilitating contact with the website in question and ensuring your correct identity (no need to hand over even more personal info to a random website admin) and they'll inform of you the progress for having your desired action taken. Not a bad way to advocate. Meanwhile, this is meant to be expanded later to parents' as well, so that they can petition to have stuff posted about their children removed. 

You can see all the details and how to start the application here:


Or e-mail for help at help@delete.or.kr

There is also an adorable promotional video for kids that goes along with this campaign:

[2020 내 정보 지킴이 캠페인] 내 정보는 나의 것♬ - "My Info Is Mine!"

In the video, there are three cute characters, based on Jekyll and Hyde. 

Here they are called 지킬 (Jekyll, but a play on 지킴, to keep/protect), 앤 (Anne, i.e. "and"), and 가이드 (Hyde, well actually "Guide" here). 

Adorable characters 지킬 앤 가이드

Jekyll comes snooping around for personal info, but Guide is there to stop him and keep personal info safe and, if necessary, erased! Adorable. Way more creative than was necessary for this project. 

So if you have any teens or college students in your life who maybe overshared a little too much when they were young, and need some help getting those old posts removed, give it a shot. 
