Naver logo doodles for spring flower bloomings and data

Even though the air quality today is horrible, Naver is looking on the bright side of things with a cute logo doodle today highlighting the blooming of forsythia flowers (개나리) across Korea.

Here's their main logo today:

Naver forsythia logo doodle
And the logo that appeared the next day:

Naver cherry blossoms logo doodle 네이버 벗꽃 스페셜로고

Click it and you get an interactive map of flower blooming times (개화시기) for around the nation, as shown above. 

You can get the forecasts for three types of spring flowers (봄꽃 개화시기):

  • 개나리 (forsythia)
  • 진달래 (azaleas)
  • 벚꽃 (cherry blossoms)

Each one has a cute interactive feature where you press the large button on the side and the associated flowers fill your screen. Tap/click more to spread more flowers and feel the relaxation of a breezy spring. 

Naver's forsynthia flowers blow across the screen

Naver's azaleas pop open anywhere you click

Naver's cherry blossom petals fall from the sky

Animated example of Naver's forsythias blowing across the screen.
Think I went too crazy clicking.

The information is also available in simple tables that also show the deviation of expected blooming times from the average.

You can see these for yourself with this direct link:

개나리개화시기 : 네이버 통합검색

Always cute to see Naver try to highlight something special about the seasons. Remember when Google used to be more playful like this? 

Mask up today. Looks like Seoul is getting battered by yellow dust. 

Not sure why the surrounding areas seem OK. I'm just south of Seoul and it's plenty bad here too. 
