Use NamuWiki (나무위키) in English or Japanese

Namu.Wiki (나무위키) is a great source of information about culture, technology, and society in Korea. It's basically Korea's own domestic version of Wikipedia (though hosted in Paraguay). You may have noticed that the Korean language Wikipedia is a bit sparse. 90% of the time, any articles you want to look for can be found on NamuWiki instead. I've used it countless times over the years to get a grasp of topics I don't know much about. 

One downside for foreigners of course is that it's all in Korean. You can easily use Chrome auto-translate on it, but I just realized today that you don't have to. Just adding "en" to the URL ( can get you the translated version automatically. 

NamuWiki in English

Here's an example of what I mean.

Ma Dong-seok example

Here's what the information overview section on 10원 Tip's favorite Korean actor Ma Dong-seok looks like in the normal NamuWiki article:

대한민국과 미국에서 활동하는 한국계 미국인 배우이자 프로듀서.

한국에서 태어나고 자랐으며 미국으로 이민가서 귀화했다. 대한민국에서 천만관객 주연작품을 4편 가지고 있는 대표 영화배우 중 한명이다. 거칠고 카리스마 넘치는 외모와 20~21인치의 거대한 팔뚝, 우람하고 다부진 체격과 등빨 덕에 강인한 상남자 중의 상남자 이미지가 풍겨서 마초, 강력계 형사, 깡패, 전직 격투기선수 등의 배역을 주로 맡아왔는데, 이에 그치지 않고 어딘지 허술한 구석이 있는 개그 캐릭터도 소화한다.[15] 이런 캐릭터를 살려서 배달앱 광고와 게임 광고, 화장품 광고도 촬영했다.

Chrome translation

If you run that through Chrome's auto-translate feature, it comes out like this:

A Korean-American actor and producer active in South Korea and the United States . He was born and raised in Korea, immigrated to the United States , and became a naturalized citizen. He is one of the leading movie actors in Korea, with four films starring over 10 million viewers. Thanks to his rough and charismatic appearance, huge 20-21 inch biceps, bulky physique, and strong back teeth, he has the image of a strong man among manly men, so he has mainly played roles such as a macho, a homicide detective, a gangster, and a former martial arts athlete, but this does not stop there. He also portrays comedic characters that are somewhat sloppy. [15] Using these characters, we also filmed delivery app advertisements , game advertisements , and cosmetics advertisements .

EN subdomain version

Compare that with this version, where the website will do the auto-translation for you:

Korean Americans active in Korea and the United States actor and producer .

Born and raised in Korea, he immigrated to the United States and became a naturalized citizen . She is one of the leading film actresses in Korea, with four films starring over 10 million viewers. Thanks to his rough and charismatic appearance, huge 20-21 inch biceps, bulky physique, and strong back teeth, he has the image of a strong man among manly men, so he has mainly played roles such as a macho, a homicide detective, a gangster, and a former martial arts athlete, but this does not stop there. He also portrays comedic characters that are somewhat sloppy.[15] Using this character, I also filmed a delivery app advertisement , a game advertisement , and a cosmetics advertisement .

JA Japanese version

Similarly, it will provide a server-translated Japanese version:

1. 概要

韓国とアメリカで活動している韓国系アメリカ人 俳優兼プロデューサー。

韓国で生まれ育ち、米国に移民して帰化した。 大韓民国で千万観客主演作品を4編持っている代表映画俳優の一人だ。 荒くてカリスマ性あふれるルックスと20~21インチの巨大な前腕、うらやましい体格と背中のおかげで強靭な上男の中の上男のイメージが漂って麻草、強力系刑事、ギャング、元格闘技選手などの配役を主に引き受けてきた。ずっとどこか虚しい隅があるギャグキャラクターも消化する。[15] このようなキャラクターを活かして配達アプリ広告とゲーム広告、化粧品広告も撮影した。

Is this useful?

Maybe you could see that Chrome's auto-translate feature seemed to do a better job, although the resulting text is remarkably similar. I haven't seen any detailed explanation of what's going on behind the scenes, though I would guess they are using Google Translate, maybe an older API or something, to provide these pages on the fly. You can click through literally any article: it loads instantly in English.

This might be extra nice for mobile browsing, to load more quickly without having to rely on your phone browser to translate it. Might be worthwhile in those cases to bookmark or set up a userscript to redirect to it if you consult it frequently. The downside of course is that it's harder to get back to the original Korean to check the translation if you need to. 

Anyway, it's an option to be aware of. 
