Links for Nov 2017

It's time for another link round-up. Stuff I was interested in this month.

Links for November 2017

Tech stuff

Welcome back, North Korea Tech!

This Korean life

Google vs. Naver / Int'l Internet stuff

Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics stuff

Juicy clickbait

Honorable Mention

Nagoya is not necessarily a popular city for tourists. World War II (1939-45) left the city with few historic landmarks and other interesting traces of the past, putting the city at a major disadvantage in terms of attracting visitors. Over decades, the city developed a reputation for its soullessness, with one local paper even calling it "the most boring city in Japan."
Why visit Nagoya? Why not?

That has got to be one of the best headlines I've seen. Flawless logic. Why visit? Why not? Well shoot, you got me there! Bonus points for what I will call "clever use of reverse psychology" in the opening paragraphs. I clicked, didn't I?

Thanks for reading. See you next month.
