Naver Map features updated Joseon-era palace imagery

Naver Maps is featuring some updated high-quality indoor streetview-type imagery to celebrate Liberation Day. Several palaces and museums from Chosun times can be examined in full 360 panorama mode in Naver Map. Most imagery is from the last month or so and is highly detailed, so you can zoom in.

Screenshot from Naver Map indoor view of the Imperial Throne Hall at Gyeongbokgung Palace 

Here's one of several promo images Naver highlighted which shows the quality of the imagery.

Image: Naver

And here are links to the featured sites. All these links should open directly in the indoor views:

  1. 경복궁 근정전 -
  2. 경복궁 경회루 -
  3. 창덕궁 인정전 -
  4. 창경궁 명정전 -
  5. 종묘 정전 -
  6. 덕수궁 대한제국역사관 -

Neat way to get your history and culture fix.
