Bookmarklet for getting RSS feeds from Blogger labels

All labels on a Blogger blog have their own corresponding RSS feed. This makes it a great way to subscribe to specific topics on a blog rather than the entire blog.

Unfortunately Blogger does not natively make these feeds discoverable by most RSS readers. So I always felt annoyed to have to go manually edit the URL to get at the feed. So instead I threw together a convenient bookmarklet you can use.

Drag that to your bookmarks bar, and next time you want to subscribe to a particular label, click the label to visit that page (to view all posts on the blog with that particular label) and then tap the bookmarklet. It will edit the URL to the proper feed address.

If for some reason you can't drag it or it comes out dysfunctional, try adding it manually:

javascript:(function(){location.href=location.href.replace('/search/label/', '/feeds/posts/default/-/')})();

And if you want your blog's labels' feeds to be autodiscoverable by readers (as WordPress already does by default; shame on Blogger for not doing this by default), check out this very simple method:
