Wanted to to a quick recommendation for a particular product you can pick up in most pharmacies here in South Korea over-the-counter (OTC) that works well for large and painful cold sores or canker sores.
It's a liquid solution called Albothyl (알보칠).
It's been awhile since I made a product recommendation here on this blog. You may recall the last thing I recommended was an all-natural groin cleanser. Seriously. Well, I found myself having another unpleasant issue. This time I got an extremely large cold sore in my mouth down below my lip. On top of that, while enjoying a delicious bite of noodles, I also somehow managed to bite down hard right on top of it. Needless to say, I was in a lot of pain and the next day I could barely eat anything, every stimulation of it would cause pain.
It looked disgustingly similar to this:
Most lip/cheek sores are just commonly called 입병 in Korean. Image: Health Chosun |
"Touch-med ointment" (터치메드 연고)
So I did what I always do and went by the local pharmacy to pick something up. I asked the pharmacist for some 입병 약 ("eebyung yak") and he originally gave me something called "Touch-med ointment" (터치메드 연고).
Touch-med ointment. Image: Dongwha |
This was just a kind of gel in a tube that, when applied to the mouth ulcer, seemed to mix with my spit to form a kind of paste layer to protect it. There was also a mild numbing action going. This cost about 5,000 won.
Albothyl (알보칠)
But I knew I needed something different and ideally something stronger. So that's when I looked to the wisdom of my coworkers, and two of them both had the same answer ready to go, as if it was completely obvious that this is what I ought to use and how could I be so stupid as to not know about this. They were shocked that I hadn't used it before, because "doesn't it come from Germany? So foreigners should know it." Yes, because all Americans ought to be intimately aware of European medicines I guess.
So on their advice, I went to the pharmacy (a different pharmacy, out of pure shame) and asked specifically for Albothyl 알보칠 and came home with this bottle:
Image: Pharmacology Information Center |
As I've implied, I never heard of this before, but it apparently is in fact pretty well known around the world I guess. It's on Wikipedia under its chemical name:
And specifically listed for
- Vaginal bacterial infection
- Stomatitis and gingivitis