Korean portal sites celebrate Suneung Day (수능대박!) with logo doodles

Today is Suneung Day in Korea once again. The day when all final year high school students (and older students who are retaking to get a better score this time) take their national college entrance exams. You've read all the stories about how the whole country shuts down for an extra hour or two to get kids to their testing sites and all that. 

Today I just wanted to share some of the cute doodles that Korean websites put up in their logos to help cheer on the test takers, although none of them will be able to see these themselves. Maybe afterward. Though after the grueling, all-day exams (usually they test from around 8:30 AM until 5 or 6 PM), most kids just pass out. 

As usual, although this is 2022, the test is identified as belonging to next year, since the results of the test are applicable to students entering university in 2023, so for info on this year's test, search 2023학년도 수능 rather than 2022. 

Enjoy the logo doodles of support, all wishing success to the test takers. 

Naver main logo doodle wishing good luck for suneung 2023

Naver mini doodle for suneung 2023

Naver logo doodle after the end of suneung exam 2023

Naver mini logo for after the exam

Daum logo doodle for suneung 2023, wishing good luck

Daum logo doodle congratulating suneung students 2023

Kakao good luck doodle, though I have no idea what this thing is.

You've done great! Says this Kakao doodle.

Nate logo doodle for suneung 2023

Chosun Ilbo newspaper's logo doodle for suneung 2023

I applaud whoever is running the Chosun Ilbo website for putting up animated doodles for nearly every special day in Korea. I browsed around but didn't find any other major sites with Suneung doodles other than these. If you spotted any, let me know.

As a bonus, Apple also released a congratulatory video showcasing Korean kids studying for suneung with their iPads. Props to Apple for getting all kinds of little Korean details, from the way the kids' rooms and schools are to the little bowl of ddeokbokki. 

Good luck to all the test takers, especially you 재수생.
