Example chats with Naver's Clova X, the AI generative chatbot behind Cue

Naver has a full scale chatbot, Clova X, to rival ChatGPT and Google Bard. You may recall that Clova was the name used by Naver for their smart assistant, including on their cute Clova Friends smart speakers and smart lamps that can read books to you. I previously wrote about how to use spoken commands with it and how it appeared in an earlier version as Naver i. But now the Clova moniker is appearing everywhere that Naver's AI language tech is being integrated, including in Clova for Writing to augment Naver Blogs and Cue to augment Naver Search with flights, reservations, shopping, etc with chatbot style ease. 

What kind of chats can you have with it? How do its feature compare with something like ChatGPT? Here's a quick screenshot tour to give you an overview of Clova X.

Basic textual responses

Here, the prompt was: What can Clova X do?

The answer was somewhat personalized: I can help you Mr. Kim in many ways, including helping with productivity, creativity, summarizing, translations, making connections between services inside and outside of Naver, and even help you pick the perfect highball recipe. 

Prompt: How do I become a Naver worker? 

It lists various skillsets you would need (creativity, problem solving, analysis, an eye for UX, etc.)

네이버 기획자가 되기를 꿈꾸고 계시는군요.

네이버 기획자가 되기 위해서는 다음과 같은 경험과 역량이 필요합니다.

1. 창의성: 새로운 아이디어를 제안하고 구현할 수 있는 창의성이 필요합니다.

2. 문제 해결 능력: 사용자의 니즈를 파악하고 문제를 해결할 수 있는 문제 해결 능력이 필요합니다.

3. 데이터 분석 능력: 데이터를 분석하여 서비스 개선에 활용할 수 있는 데이터 분석 능력이 필요합니다.

4. UX 설계 능력: 사용자 경험(UX)을 고려한 구조화된 설계 능력이 필요합니다.

네이버 기획자가 되기 위해서는 위와 같은 경험과 역량을 갖추는 것이 중요합니다. 또한, 네이버 채용 공고를 주시하 면서 자신에게 맞는 채용 기회를 찾아 지원해 보는 것이 좋습니다.

Responses based on attached files

Now let's try attaching a file. The user drags a PDF into Clova X called "My self introduction for Naver."

He includes the prompt: "Using this resume, conduct a mock interview for me" 

Now this is pretty cool. It read his personal introduction, and begins asking him questions based on projects/roles he has had according to his resume:

자기소개서 가지고 모의 면접 진행해 줘

서 네이버 자기소개서 김그린. pdf

안녕하세요. 저는 네이버 모의 면접관입니다.

김그린 님이 업로드하신 자기소개서를 토대로 면접을 시작하겠습니다.

'농활 청춘'이라는 앱을 기획하실 때, 본인의 역할에 대해 설명해 주세요.

He responds in the prompt box, and Clova X proceeds to ask follow up questions about details from other projects.

Responses pulling in data from other sources

Here, the user asks about good places to take kids in Jeju. 

Clova X responds with a lengthy response detailing in text some good locations and why they are good choices, then at the bottom includes these interactive location POIs presumably pulled in from Naver Maps which can link to reviews and eventually bookings. 

Asking about places to rent cars near the airport returns a map of locations, but also pulls data from car rental company SoCar showing options that are available in real time.

To highlight here is the fact that it made note of the contextual fact that he had previously looked up places in Jeju for kids, so the car recommendations are specifically for larger vehicles good for transporting kids. 

Clicking in the results lets you book immediately. 

Image manipulations via written natural language

Upload an image, and in the prompt, tell Clova X what to do with it. For example, he uploads this image of a dog:

And asks it to remove the person and dog in the background:

But that is not enough.

Here is the result of further asking it "move the dog to the sea." And the background changes completely do the dog at the beach.

Finally, the prompt asks Clova X to write some vivid descriptions of the dog. It returns a lot of flowery stuff like "a smiling dog is frolicking in a beautyful sky blue dog clothes" etc.

하늘색 티셔츠를 입은 강아지가 경쾌한 발걸음으로 뛰어다니고 있다.

지나가는 사람들은 귀여운 강아지에게 미소를 보내고, 강아지는 꼬리를 흔들며 더욱 즐겁게 뛰어다닌다.

행복한 미소를 지으며 산책을 즐기는 강아지는 그 어느 때보다도 자유롭고 평화로워 보인다.

Update: Cue (큐) beta

I should note that the basic features of Clova X are getting full integration with Naver Search in the form of Naver's new "Cue" generative search (네이버 큐). It too is currently in waiting-list mode but will ultimately be a large part of results on Naver searches. If you've already seen Google's generative search results, or Bing's integration with ChatGPT, you'll already be familiar with it.

Structure of a conversation in Cue

Generative results via Cue right inside Naver search results

Plenty of other English articles discuss Cue:

And if you've chatted with Clova X (or read this post) you'll already know how it works.

Final thoughts

This standalone Clova X chatbot service is currently in a public beta at https://clova-x.naver.com.  That was a waiting list to sign-up via your Naver account but it opened up a week ago for me. 

All of the above examples were just screenshots from a promotional YouTube video:

무한한 확장성, 대화형 AI 서비스 CLOVA X - YouTube

But if you'd like to see some actual prompts I myself wrote to it and how it responded, please see this other post:

Comparing responses from Naver's Clova X and ChatGPT

There, you will see several prompt comparisons including the fact that Clova X seems to know who I am. Now that is a nod of encouragement:
