Get notified with Daum Search on KakaoTalk

You can stay notified of updated Daum search results automatically via KakaoTalk.

I didn't even know this feature existed but apparently it does and got a recent refresh. Certain types of searches from Daum Search, a Korean search engine rival to Naver search, can be delivered daily or weekly to your Kakao Talk chat app.

Examples of Daum search results being delivered to KakaoTalk

The easiest way is to just search for certain keywords on Daum and tap the notification bell that appears on the search results page. This works whether using the Daum app or just the website in your chosen mobile browser. Doesn't work on desktop for me at the moment.

Some examples of search updates that can be delivered:

  • Weather reports - search for either basic weather (날씨) or your own local weather (e.g. 경기도 날씨)
  • Horoscopes -  e.g. 쥐띠 운세
  • Earthquake reports - 지진
  • Trending keywords - "Today Bubble" (투데이버블)

Those are the officially listed examples, but I found that the notifications are available for other searches too. For example, searching Hanhwa Eagles baseball team (한화 이글스) brings up a notification bell for upcoming game schedules and possibly scores too. 

Example Daum search results with notification bell

So try out some searches and see if its deliverable. They arrive via the KakaoTalk Channel "Daum Search"

Happy searching.

Via: 까똑! 다음검색 알림이 배달왔어요. :: 다음검색블로그
