Sports Chosun news available in English - includes RSS feeds!

I just happened to notice this, but the popular Korean news site Sports Chosun (스포츠조선), an offshot off the main Chosun Ilbo, shows a link to their "Global" site that gives you English translations of their Korean content.  

I didn't realize they had a global site. But a lot of the same article content available on Sports Chosun ( is there on their English version ( 

I'm not fully sure if they are using human translators or AI translation or just running them through traditional online translators. For a while now some Korean news outlets like the Maeil Gyunjae aka Economic Daily (매일경제) have been offering alternative language versions of their sites using Papago. 

Here's an example:

Maeil Business Newspaper screenshot showing Papago translation in use

I checked a sample article that appears on both language versions of Sports Chosun, running the Korean through Google, Naver, and ChatGPT, but each had minor differences from the resulting published English version.

For example, the introductory paragraphs read:

[스포츠조선 장종호 기자] 거대한 뿔을 가진 수사슴과 불과 몇㎝ 차이에서 아이를 안고 있는 남성의 사진이 공개돼 충격을 주고 있다.

이 장면은 영국 런던 남서부의 리치몬드 공원에서 촬영됐다고 더 선이 전했다.


A photo of a man holding a child just a few centimeters apart from a hedgehog with a huge horn has been released, shocking.
The scene was filmed at Richmond Park in south-west London, England, The Sun said.

You might feel like that English version feels like an artificial translation with that random shocking adjective thrown in, though that structure seems common in Korean headlines, or the use of "horn" in the singular. But what really gets me is how "stag" suddenly turned into hedehog. That doesn't seem like an error a computer translator would make. But it could be the kind of thing a human translator daydreaming or forgetting words would do. I didn't know what a hedgehog is in Korean - apparently it's 고슴도치. Maybe he got that confused with 수사슴. I can see where the 슴 might have been on his mind. But who knows for sure. 

Anyway it's just nice to have another option for Korean news in English even if it isn't 100% reliable. Not like anything I post here is 100% reliable either. 

The best part is that they include generous RSS feed support for categories too. Which is unheard of for most Korean websites (and increasingly, more and more foreign news sites too). I'll reprint them here just in case:

Sadly we do seem to be missing out on one of the best content types the Korean version offers: shots of models in bikinis:

Sports Chosun "Diva" section

But you can just as easily get those from The Sun or literally any other website or news outlet in the entire world. 

Happy reading. 
