Naver streaming site SeriesON (시리즈온) shutting down

Naver's TV/movie streaming site SeriesON (시리즈온) is shutting down. Between similar rivals like domestic OTT streaming service TVING (티빙) and of course foreign Netflix (넷플릭스), it seems like it just never really caught on. 

Screenshot of end-of-service announcement for SeriesOn

As a result, the service will cease memberships on December 18, 2024. After that, if you happen to be a member, you have until the end of your current billing cycle to use the service as normal and watch your content. 

It looks like for content you purchased and downloaded, there will be varying rules. Some of that downloaded content will have included DRM licenses and if you have those backed up somewhere too you can in theory continue to watch. [Or sail the seven seas...]. Better copy those movies and licenses quick:

DRM 영상은 콘텐츠 공급사 및 저작권사와의 계약에 따라 스마트폰/태블릿에서 파일 이동을 지원하지 않으며 PC에서 다운로드하신 영상만 백업 가능합니다. PC에서 다운로드 하신 영상은 영상 파일과 함께 DRM 라이선스 파일을 같이 백업하시면 PC 포맷 또는 하드웨어 변경 이후에도 재생 가능합니다. 만일, PC 포맷 등 사유로 인해 DRM 라이선스 파일이 유실될 경우, DRM 영상 파일 재생 시 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. PC에서 기존에 다운로드하신 영상파일을 백업하시기 전, 오류 방지를 위해 아래 경로의 모든 파일을 영상파일과 함께 백업해 주세요. 

- C:\Users\(현재 PC의 사용자 이름)\AppData\LocalLow\Naver\DRM\

- C:\Users\(현재 PC의 사용자 이름)\AppData\LocalLow\Naver\db\

This from Naver's useful FAQ for any current users here:

시리즈온 상품 판매 종료 안내 : 시리즈온 고객센터

I can't help but wonder if part of the reason SeriesON failed was consumers have lost a taste for "owning" copies of DRM movies. SeriesOn felt more like a throwback to the iTunes Store style of music ownership. W

SeriesOn content for sale

Why "own" Mission Impossible for $25 in a cumbersome format when you can just buy a month of Netflix for around that price and get much more content. I love the M.I. series as much as the next guy, but I don't think I feel a need to own my own copies of the movies. In fact I can already watch them any time on Coupang Play.

Naver even tried to get customers to use the service by bundling it as part of a Naver Plus premium membership. Frankly, I think the process of choosing this bonus content was cumbersome. I doubt many ended up choosing SeriesOn because they seem to have caved in and now include a basic Netflix membership with Naver Plus instead. 

And as if that weren't enough, there's this interesting tidbit:

27일 관련 업계에 따르면 네이버 플러스 멤버십 연간 이용권을 결제하면 월 3900원에 넷플릭스의 광고 요금제나 티빙의 방송 무제한 요금제를 추가 요금 없이 이용할 수 있다. 네이버 멤버십을 그냥 월간 구독하면 월 4900원이다. 4900원을 내더라도 넷플릭스 광고 요금제, 티빙 방송 무제한 요금제 월 5500원보다 600원 저렴하다.

가입경로 늘리는 넷플릭스, 티빙과 격차 벌리나 < 게임·인터넷 < 게임·콘텐츠 < 기사본문 - IT조선

So it's actually cheaper to just buy Naver Plus and get the free included Netflix basic (ad supported) account that way than it is to actually just buy the Netflix basic plan on its own. That's pretty wild. Seems like lost revenue for Netflix but maybe they crunched the numbers and decided Naver Plus members aren't buying standalone Netflix anyway, and this could be a chance to reach them with a taste of what's on offer with the hopes of them then upgrading to an ad-free experience.

So if you were thinking of joining Netflix in Korea, at least the basic ad-supported plan, you might as well join Naver Plus while you're at it. Seems like some nice synergy there, all at the expense of any potential interest in SeriesOn.

So long, SeriesON. I guess it's SeriesOff for you. 
