Links from April, May 2019

Here are my recommended news and lifestyle links from April and May 2019. Been pretty busy so no fun commentary this time. A few posts are sitting in the drafts folder waiting for me to get off my butt and finish them. In the meantime enjoy these links.

Links from February & March 2019

Society, Culture, Lifestyle, etc.

K-pop related 

Tech, Business, etc.

General Interest

  • Escape the Algorithm! | The Art of Manliness - This talks about a lot of the way I feel towards Facebook, Twitter, etc. I make no secret of being a big fan of RSS. It's fine to use these SNS tools for friendly banter and community, but for actually following news and getting useful/valuable information, following a feed in whatever RSS reader you choose is the best way to go. I just wish more people would post their own tips in even a simple public blog. Too many great tips are shared on Twitter but get a limited audience and very little search traffic. That's one reason I try to post here rather than purely on Twitter even though half the stuff I post would suite a tweet just fine. 
