Links for April-May 2022

Time for another dump of interesting links from the past two months about Korean tech and society. 

Links that I originally posted to Twitter are included and link back to the tweet, but from there you can visit the the appropriate article. I do that because it's easier to just go back and grab the raw tweet text than bother extracting the real link from it. 

The links here are all in reverse-chrono order, so newest stuff is at the top. Don't feel like you have to read all these; skimming the headline is probably enough. I think I'm saving too many of these. Most you've probably seen already anyway. But just in case. 

Weather is super nice lately. Been trying to get outside more and lose some of the Covid weight. Nicer to do now that I don't have to wear the mask. Every week I see fewer and fewer wearing them outside, though still it's at least 50-60% in my area. 

Links from April 2022 to May 2022
