Today I was ordering some mouthwash on Coupang, and I noticed that it has a "많이 구매하는 베스트 조합" (the best products often bought together) section, just like Amazon. Obviously they try to include similar products that you might be interested in bundling together to get you spend more money. Sometimes I've found an interesting item in this box and went ahead and bought it too. But today's, well I just can't figure out what it was thinking:
Listerine mouthwash and motorcycle helmet |
It wants to bundle my Listerine mouthwash purchase with... even more Listerine mouthwash. Kind of weird, since I presume I would have just added more to my order if I wanted more. But then it wants to bundle that with... a motorcycle helmet? What? That bumps the total cost of the bundle to a hefty 418,000 won. I'm assuming 400,000 of that is the motorcycle helmet.
Why would it recommend this? Are a large number of motorcycle drivers disproportionally concerned with their oral hygiene? Do mouthwash users tend to drive motorcycles? I am absolutely certain that I have never purchased nor even browsed motorcycle related products, so it can't be that it's trying to persuade me to purchase something I showed interest in before. What a weird combo.
That got me wondering if other people have had the same effect, so I lazily Googled to find some other quirky results.
Rice and grenades |
Somebody posted that they had ordered some packs of 곤드래밥 (like a spinach rice sort of meal) and it had recommended adding... 2 grenades? Do people with appetites for traditional homestyle meals also enjoy warfare?
Ear plugs and a samurai sword |
Maybe you like to go into a zen state and block out the distracting sounds of the world while you practice your ritualistic suicide with a Japanese sword?
The sword |
He even linked back to the sword item itself. Not a bad price. Didn't know you could order something like this for delivery. Doesn't it break some sort of law?
Adding to the humor: if you add the sword to your cart, it shows you what people who buy the sword buy too. A lighter (makes sense...) and... a beautiful bed?
Buy a sword, get a lighter and a nice bed |
I can imagine how this happened. Probably nobody in the right mind orders a samurai sword off Coupang, so when one guy did so, it looked at what else he bought (a bed?) and tied them together. I would assume that if more people buy swords online, the products would change. Note that I am not condoning buying a sword online.
Another weird pairing: a copy of Microsoft Office and... a pack of disposable kitchen cleaning towels.
Office and kitchen, together |
Buy honey bread, Coupang recommends... fresh abalone?
Honey bread and abalone |
But for my favorite: looking to buy a microwave? We know exactly what you're interested in. How about... another microwave? But wait. How about... another another microwave? If you want to buy one, you must be wanting to buy 3 right?
Everybody needs 3 microwaves |
Pretty funny results. At least I can see that I'm not alone in getting such a weird recommendation. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to ride my motorcycle with the freshest breath you've ever seen.