Here is a list provided by Naver of some sample commands you can use with the Voice Search tool in the new Naver App.
This list ought to give you a good idea of what you can do with Naver's voice searching, which has become so deeply integrated in the Naver app as to act like a full Siri or Google Assistant replacement in its own right. Gone are the days when you could only speak your desired search terms into the mic. You can now give specific commands.
Note that some of these commands simply trigger searches that provide "one box" i.e. "knowledge graph" type information, while others will integrate with other Naver Apps.
Source: 그린닷 ‘음성 검색’ - 네이버에서 말로 쉽게.. : 네이버블로그
At some point I'm sure these two systems (Naver Green Dot "assistant" type searches, and the Clova AI speakers) will be fully integrated. I don't have a Clova smart speaker to play around with so I can't vouch for how deeply integrated they are yet. If not already, I'm sure soon these will be fully integrated in a full Naver version of Google's Assistant with similar feature parity.
And meanwhile Kakao is maintaining their own ecosystem of AI voice (Kakao i) on its apps/speakers/cars too, plus there's all of the other smart speakers run by the traditional telecom companies. This is a quickly saturating market in an area I often wonder about the real future potential for. I don't see "smart homes" being a common thing for at least 10 more years or so. Sure some early adopters are decked out with their Nest and Hue gizmos but this is a whole ecosystem you have to buy into (literally). It's not like picking up a TV and setting the single box down on your table.
I know there's the Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri in English. Cortana is basically dead now. Three seems to be the limit for AI assistants in English. Can Korean maintain 4 or 5 as it's got right now? This will be a neat arena to follow in the next few years.
This list ought to give you a good idea of what you can do with Naver's voice searching, which has become so deeply integrated in the Naver app as to act like a full Siri or Google Assistant replacement in its own right. Gone are the days when you could only speak your desired search terms into the mic. You can now give specific commands.
Note that some of these commands simply trigger searches that provide "one box" i.e. "knowledge graph" type information, while others will integrate with other Naver Apps.
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Naver Green Dot searching. Screenshot: Naver |
바로가기/실행 - Shortcuts / Commands
- "로그인해줘" - Log me in
- "내 메일 보여줘" - Show my emails
- "쥬니버 열어줘" - Open "Naver Junior"
- "페이 송금하기" - Transfer money
- "가입한 카페 보여줘" - Show my Naver Cafe subscriptions
- "블로그 추천글 볼래" - Show my recommended blog comments
- "보던 웹툰 열어줘" - Show my webtoon subscriptions feed
- "현재 화면 북마크에 추가해줘" - Add this site to my bookmarks
- "앱 쿠키 삭제해줘" - Delete app cookies
검색 - Searches
- "바나나 칼로리가 얼마야" - How many calories are in a banana?
- "오늘의 명언 들려줘" - What's today's maxim (e.g. a daily quote, inspirational quote)
- "크리스마스 며칠 남았어" - How many days left until Christmas?
- "12월 31일이 무슨 요일이야" - What day will December 31st fall on?
- "전갈자리 오늘의 운세" - Today's Scorpio horoscope
- "하정우 아빠가 누구더라" - Who is Ha Jeong-oo's father?
- "빨간맛 노래방 번호" - What's the noraebang code number for "Red Taste" (song title)
- "선우정아 노래 찾아줘" - Search for songs by Sunwoo Jung-A
- "오디오클립에서 인문학 찾아줘" - Search for "humanities" in Audio Clip (Naver's podcast service)
뉴스 - News
- "오늘 주요 뉴스 읽어줘" - Read today's top news
- "미세먼지 뉴스 찾아줘" - Find news about fine dust pollution
- "입시 뉴스 보여줘" - Show news about college entrances
- "미국 증시 뉴스 알려줘" - Tell me news about the US stock market
- "건강정보 뉴스 보여줘" - Show me health news
- "중국 뉴스 보여줘" - Show news about China
- "가상화페 뉴스 볼래" - Show news about crypto-currencies
- "금리 관련 소식" - News about interest rates
날씨 - Weather
- "오늘 우산 필요해?" - Do I need an umbrella today?
- "내일 날씨 알려줘" - What's tomorrow's weather?
- "오늘 최저기온" - Today's low
- "내일 미세먼지 어때" - How's tomorrow's fine dust?
- "초미세먼지 알려줘" - What's the ultra fine dust level?
- "체감온도 알려줘" - What's the "real feel" / "feels like" temperature?
- "주말 날씨 어때" - Weekend's weather
- "제주도 날씨 어때" - How's the weather in Jeju?
금융 - Finance
- "코스피 200 알려줘" - Tell me about the KOSPI 200
- "코스닥 지수 알려줘" - Tell me about the KOSDAQ index
- "네이버 주가 알려줘" - Stock price of Naver
- "1500엔 한국 돈으로 얼마야" - What's 1500 yen in Korean won?
- "달러 환율 얼마야" - What's the exchange rate for dollars?
- "휘발유 가격 얼마야" - What's the price of unleaded gas?
- "금 시세가 어떻게 돼" - What's the current price of gold?
- "현재 CD 금리" - Current CD rates
AI 번역 - Translations
- "맛있어요가 중국어로 뭐야" - How do you say "delicious" in Chinese?
- "반짝 반짝 작은별 영어로" - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in English
- "잔돈은 괜찮아요 영어로" - "Keep the change" in English
- "영어로 택시 잡는 곳 어디에요" - How do you say Where can I get a Taxi in English
- "환불해주세요 일본어로 알려줘" - How do you ask for a refund in Japanese?
- "지하철역이 어디예요 일본어로" - "Where is the subway station" in Japanese
- "일본어로 두통약 주세요" - "Give me aspirin" in Japanese
- "물 주세요 중국어로" - "Water, please" in Chinese
- "깎아주세요를 중국어로 하면" - How to ask for a discount in Chinese
- "생일 축하해 중국어로" - "Happy birthday" in Chinese
스포츠 - Sports
- "영국 피파 랭킹 알려줘" - Tell me the Enland FIFA rankings
- "토트넘 경기 일정 알려줘" - What's Tottenham's match schedule?
- "롯데자이언츠 경기 결과 알려줘" - Results of Lotte Giants game
- "FC 바르셀로나 감독 이름이 뭐야" - FC Barcelona's coach's name
- "리버풀 아스널 경기 결과" - Results of Liverpool vs. Arsenal
- "골든스테이트 연고지" - Home field of "Golden State"
- "김연경 소속팀이 어디야" - Which team does Kim Ahn Gyeong belong to?
동영상 - Videos
- "홈트레이닝 동영상 보여줘" - Show me home training videos
- "종이접기 영상 보여줘" - Show me videos about origami
- "무쌍 메이크업 동영상" - Makeup tutorials for monolids
- "규동 만드는 법 동영상" - Videos on how to make Gyūdon
- "댄스 튜토리얼 영상 보여줘" - Show me dance tutorial videos
- "웃긴 동영상 보여줘" - Show some funny videos
- "서핑 영상 보여줘" - Surfing videos
영화 - Movies
- "상영하는 영화 알려줘" - What movies are currently showing?
- "개봉 예정 영화 알려줘" - What movies are coming out soon?
- "영상미 뛰어난 영화 추천해줘" - Recommend me some movies with good visuals
- "가족끼리 볼 수 있는 영화" - Family friendly movies
방송 - Broadcasting
- "헬로카봇 어떤 프로그램이야" - What kind of show is "Hello Carbot"
- "인기가요 시간" - When is Inky-gayo on?
- "예능 프로그램 추천" - Recommend some entertainment programs
- "김은숙 작가 작품 알려줘" - Tell me shows written by Kim Eunsook
- "정해인 출연작" - Which shows were Jeong Haein in?
지역 - Local
- "근처 편의점 알려줘" - Nearest convenience store
- "내 주변 약국" - Pharmacies in my area
- "정자동 롯데마트 영업시간은?" - Jeongja-dong Lotte Mart business hours
- "영등포 이마트 휴무일" - Yeongdeungpo E-mart holidays
- "익선동 맛집 알려줘" - Ikseon-dong best restaurants
- "양양 명소 찾아줘" - Show me tourist attractions in Yangyang
- "합정 브런치 카페" - Hapjeong brunch cafes
- "광장시장 주변 맛집" - Best restaurants around Gwangjang Market
교통 - Transport
- "도산대로 교통상황" - Doseon Road traffic conditions
- "용인고속도로 상황 어때" - How's the traffic on the Yongin Expressway?
- "선릉역까지 얼마나 걸려" - How long will it take to Seolleung station?
- "지하철 노선도 보여줘" - Show the subway map
- "여주 휴게소 가는 길 알려줘" - How to get to Yeoju rest stop
- "M4102 막차시간은" - What's the last bus on the M4102 line?
- "지하철 2호선 첫차 시간은?" - When is the first Line 2 subway train?
- "5500-1번 배차 간격은" - How often does the 5500-1 bus come?
지식백과 - Knowledge
- "당뇨병 증상이 뭐야" - What are the symptoms of diabetes
- "호주의 수도가 어디야" - What's the capital of Australia?
- "스위스의 언어는?" - What language is used in Switzerland?
- "원더우먼 본명은 뭐야" - What's Wonder Woman's real name?
- "개미핥기에 대해서 알려줘" - Tell me about anteaters
- "지구의 나이는 몇 살이야" - How old is the Earth?
- "단풍이 드는 이유" - Why do the leaves change color in fall?
Source: 그린닷 ‘음성 검색’ - 네이버에서 말로 쉽게.. : 네이버블로그
At some point I'm sure these two systems (Naver Green Dot "assistant" type searches, and the Clova AI speakers) will be fully integrated. I don't have a Clova smart speaker to play around with so I can't vouch for how deeply integrated they are yet. If not already, I'm sure soon these will be fully integrated in a full Naver version of Google's Assistant with similar feature parity.
And meanwhile Kakao is maintaining their own ecosystem of AI voice (Kakao i) on its apps/speakers/cars too, plus there's all of the other smart speakers run by the traditional telecom companies. This is a quickly saturating market in an area I often wonder about the real future potential for. I don't see "smart homes" being a common thing for at least 10 more years or so. Sure some early adopters are decked out with their Nest and Hue gizmos but this is a whole ecosystem you have to buy into (literally). It's not like picking up a TV and setting the single box down on your table.
I know there's the Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri in English. Cortana is basically dead now. Three seems to be the limit for AI assistants in English. Can Korean maintain 4 or 5 as it's got right now? This will be a neat arena to follow in the next few years.